Södra Australien först i världen med elnät som drivs med 100 % fri energi

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I takt med att priserna på solenergi, vindkraft och batterier sjunker satsar fler städer och regioner på att helt ersätta kol, olja och gas. Här ser vi konturerna av framtida “elmarknader” som huvudsakligen kommer bestå av fria energiverktyg.

South Australia is a living laboratory of how to manage the transition to wind and solar, and an inverter-based grid, and – as Zuur says – it is remarkable to see how the engineering assessment of system needs has rapidly evolved in recent years.

The new document says that for some of the critical grid services, the synchronous generators are already redundant. This includes grid forming and grid reference, two qualities that can now be provided by so-called “grid forming inverters” that are deployed at two South Australian batteries – Dalrymple North and Hornsdale.

Climate Home News: South Australia set to become first big grid to run on 100% renewables

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