Port of Savannah i Georgia börjar lyfta containrar med eldrivna hamnkranar

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Hamnen Port of Savannah i amerikanska Georgia har köpt fyra eldrivna kranar som ny börjar lyfta containrar från skepp.


En av USAs största hamnar, Port of Savannah i Georgia, byter ut fyra dieseldrivna kranar mot eldrift. Kranarna har konstruerats av finländska Konecranes, en av världens största krantillverkare som levererar tio procent av världens kranar. De fyra kranarna är 90 respektive 93 meter höga.

Ship-to-shore cranes are the workhorses of container port operations, unloading and loading cargo from the container ships that call on the port.

Georgia Ports: Port of Savannah receives four new electric ship-to-shore cranes
Port of Savannah

To work the larger ships, GPA will add eight new all electric ship-to-shore cranes at Ocean Terminal by 2026. The taller ship-to-shore cranes will replace three older cranes that are not suited to handling neopanamax vessels.”

“These new machines will expand our capabilities, operate at lower cost and leave a smaller carbon footprint than conventional diesel cranes.”

Construction Equipment Guide: The Industrial Company Delivering $410M Port Upgrade

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The new cranes reduce emissions by 50 percent compared to conventional diesel cranes. At an annual average of 4,000 operating hours per RTG, the hybrid engines will avoid yearly emissions of 127 tons per crane, or nearly 7,000 tons across the 55-RTG fleet.

Construction Equipment Guide: The Industrial Company Delivering $410M Port Upgrade

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