Mellan januari och augusti i år ökade den globala efterfrågan på elektricitet med 3 procent jämfört med 2021. Vindkraft och solenergi tillhandahöll 77% av ökningen och vattenkraft för resten.
Coal declined by 1% and gas declined by 0.05%; these were offset by a slight rise in oil. Consequently, global CO2 power sector emissions were unchanged, despite the rise in electricity demand.
Ember: Global Electricity Mid-Year Insights 2022
Global renewables generation increased by 416 TWh, slightly exceeding the growth in global electricity demand of 389 TWh. In total, renewables generated 28% of global electricity in the first half of 2022 (3,802 TWh), up from 26% (3,387 TWh) in the same period last year.
Ember: Global Electricity Mid-Year Insights 2022
Världen närmar sig en “tipping point”, där användningen av kol, olja och gas börjar minska.
Compared to last year, wind generation rose by 175TWh (19 per cent) globally in the first half of 2022, while solar increased by 125TWh (25 per cent).
In total, solar generated 5 per cent of all global electricity in the first half of 2022 (619 TWh), while wind generated 8 per cent (1,102TWh).
Independent: World ‘nearing peak fossil fuel demand’ as wind and solar power take over