Vad händer
2023 blir ett rekordår för vindkraften i världen. Enligt World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) kommer vindkraften nå en kapacitet på en terawatt vid årsskiftet. Tillväxttakten är 11,4 procent per år.
Kina, Indien, USA och Brasilien är de länder som bygger ut vindkraften snabbast.
“After the slowdown in 2022, the wind sector is slowly regaining momentum, as the half-year figures show. Governments’ responses to Russia’s war on Ukraine to increase energy security through higher shares of renewables are starting to take effect.
WWEA Half-year Report 2023: Additional Momentum for Windpower in 2023
Vad har det för betydelse
To achieve 100% renewable energy globally, action now needs to focus on bottom-up processes. Citizens and communities around the world need to be empowered to become drivers of the great transformation. People realising the benefits of using domestic renewable resources will be the unstoppable force for a climate-friendly, peaceful and more equitable world.”
WWEA Secretary General Stefan Gsänger