Prefabricerade solpaneler installeras ännu snabbare

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Häromveckan skrev Grow om Erthos som monterar solpaneler direkt på marken och erbjuder snabbare och billigare etablering. Ett annat sätt att accelerera installations- och montagetid är att göra mer av arbetet i förväg, att prefabricera kopplingar mellan solpaneler, något som hittills gjorts på plats.


Australiensiska 5B har utvecklat en teknik där solpaneler levereras färdigmonterade som modulära paket med inbyggd uppkoppling vilket innebär att systemet kan aktiveras direkt vid leverans.

Vad har det för betydelse

Australiensarnas dragspelsteknik sägs göra det möjligt att bygga en solcellspark på rekordtid.

Ny Teknik: Deras dragspelsteknik ger solcellspark ”på en dag”
  • Safe: Reduced deployment times, less heavy equipment, and less onsite labour can result in a significant improvement in the safety for solar farm deployment, particularly when compared to traditional single axis solar trackers, or comparable solar racking solutions.
  • Cost effective: Efficiencies in assembly, deployment and logistics can result in lower cost of megawatt hour of energy when compared to traditional single axis solar trackers, or comparable solar racking solutions.
  • Fast deployment: The prewired, preconfigured, solar farm in-a-box design can deliver significant reductions in deployment times, when compared to fixed-mount and trackers.
  • Low onsite labour: Significant reductions in the onsite labour requirements and the cost of civil works associated with traditional solar farm construction in sites.
  • Powerful: No corridors, no moving parts and minimal gaps between structures means you can get the same energy output as you would from fixed-mount trackers on significantly less land.
5B Maverick at a glance

Mellan raderna

The company says its east/west layout delivers up to two times the energy of a single-axis tracker setup for a given land area, and this, as well as the quicker, cheaper, plug-and-play installation process, results in a final energy cost reduction of up to 20%.

The cost of the panels themselves was always the biggest line item for early solar arrays, so installation costs were a lot less significant in the scheme of things. That’s changed somewhat as panel prices have come down – according to an IRENA report from 2019, installation costs can range from 10% to more than a quarter of the total cost of a solar farm.

New Atlas: Rapid-deployment solar arrays cut energy cost up to 20%, says 5B

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