I våras höll Grows favoritskribent Hannah Ritchie ett TED- talk. Det är ett väldigt inspirerande tal. Hannah beskriver budskapet så här
We have the opportunity to do more with less. The emphasis here is on opportunity, not inevitability. There’s nothing inevitable about a better future: we have to create it.
It is a call to action: to move faster, and think bigger, so we can turn that opportunity into reality.
Sustainability by Numbers: My TED Talk is now live
Hon betonar att vi måste omformulera hur vi talar om hållbarhet, att vi beskriver det som en uppoffring. När vi talar om klimatet framhäver vi brist och begränsningar. Det inspirerar ingen! Så ser inte framtiden ut som vi vill skapa.
The environmentalists have done an amazing job of waking the world up to these problems. Those charts of rising CO2 and rising temperature have been absolutely critical. They’re why I’m on the stage today, they’re why I got involved in this in the first place. But there’s a limit. When that’s all we see, we become paralyzed. We see these lines rising, and we assume that they might never stop. We assume that no progress has been made, that nothing good is happening.
We need to reframe sustainability as an opportunity, because it is an opportunity. It’s an opportunity to provide clean, abundant energy for everyone, whether that’s powering cities or countries, or getting rural communities connected for the very first time. It’s about not being at the whims of fossil-fuel markets or having millions plunged into fuel poverty when dictators invade neighboring countries. It’s about breathing clean air.
Hannah Ritchie: Are we the last generation or the first sustainable one?
Vi ska använda data för att inspirera, för att synliggöra problem och lösningar och visa verkliga framsteg.